What is Resume Parsing? A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s competitive job market, recruiters are inundated with a deluge of resumes for each open position. Amid this sea of candidates, manually sorting through resumes to find the right fit can be an arduous and time-consuming task. Enter resume parsing – a game-changing technology that automates the extraction of crucial information from resumes, revolutionizing the hiring process.

What is Resume Parsing?

Resume parsing is an automated process that extracts relevant details from resumes and curricula vitae using specialized software applications. It converts the unstructured data contained in resume documents into structured data that can be stored in databases for easy search, analysis and retrieval.

Resume parsers are software programs specifically designed to scan resume files, analyze the content, and extract important information that recruiters and hiring managers need, such as:

  • Skills and competencies
  • Work experience details
  • Contact information
  • Educational qualifications
  • Professional certifications
  • Achievements and accomplishments
  • Areas of expertise

Most companies utilize applicant tracking systems (ATS) for hiring, and resume parsing capabilities are commonly included as a core feature in these systems. The parsed resume data extracted by the ATS can then be systematically stored, searched, filtered and reviewed to identify qualified candidates during recruitment.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

What is Resume Parsing?

Types of Resume parser

When choosing resume parsing software for hiring purposes, it’s important to evaluate the different costs, brands, and main functionalities available. There are three primary types of resume parsing software on the market:

Keyword-Based Parsers

This approach leverages machine learning and statistical models to identify and extract relevant information from resumes. It analyzes patterns and relationships in the text data to enhance accuracy, allowing recruiters to make informed hiring decisions based on reliable, objective resume information.

Grammar-Based Parsers

This type of software enables recruiters to define specific keywords related to desired skills, certifications, or industry terms. It then scans resumes, identifies instances of those predefined keywords, and extracts the associated details. This provides a targeted way for recruiters to quickly find relevant candidate information matching job requirements.

Statistical Parsers:

Rather than just matching keywords, this software analyzes the grammatical structure and syntax of sentences to extract meaningful information about candidates’ backgrounds and experiences. It captures nuanced data beyond simple keyword matching by applying language rules to understand the textual information.

AI-Based Parsers

Although AI technology might appear novel to some, it has been in existence for quite some time. As artificial intelligence has progressed, the capabilities of many AI-based parsers have also advanced. These parsers now utilize machine learning, allowing them to enhance their performance as they process more data. This kind of resume parsing technology achieves an exceptionally high level of accuracy compared to other resume parsing methods available on the market.

How Does Resume Parsing Work?

How Does Resume Parsing Work?

Submitting Resumes

The process of resume parsing commences with the uploading of resumes into the system. This can be initiated either by applicants themselves, typically when applying for positions through online platforms.

Upon submission, resumes are subjected to initial preprocessing steps within the system. This preprocessing ensures that regardless of the original format – be it PDF, Word documents, plain text, or even scanned images – the text can be efficiently extracted and analyzed.

Extracting Data

Once resumes are uploaded and preprocessing is completed, the system begins the crucial task of extracting relevant information. This involves the identification and extraction of key details from the document, such as personal information, professional experience, educational background, skills, and any additional sections like awards or publications.

The system scans the resume, employing techniques for scanned images or PDFs to convert the text into a machine-readable format. Subsequently, it categorizes the extracted text into different sections based on the nature of the information.

Organizing Information

Following the extraction of information, the system organizes the parsed data into a structured format, facilitating easy access and retrieval. This involves formatting the information into standardized fields within a database or Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

The parsed data undergoes normalization to ensure consistency across various entries. For instance, job titles may be standardized, dates reformatted, and abbreviations expanded for clarity and uniformity.

Once normalized, the structured data is stored within the system, making it easily searchable and sortable. This enhances the efficiency of recruiters who can quickly identify candidates meeting specific criteria and streamlines the recruitment process.

Benefits and Challenges of Resume Parsing

In the recruitment process, handling applicant resumes is a crucial yet time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Automated resume parsing technology has emerged to address this challenge, offering significant benefits in enhancing efficiency and optimizing the hiring process. However, the implementation of this technology also comes with several challenges that need to be addressed. Below are some of the key benefits and challenges associated with resume parsing.

Benefits of Resume Parsing

  • Efficiency: Automates the time-consuming task of manually reviewing resumes.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniform extraction and structuring of data.
  • Speed: Accelerates the hiring process by quickly identifying qualified candidates.
  • Scalability: Efficiently processes high volumes of resumes.
  • Data Management: Facilitates better organization and management of candidate information.
Management of candidate information

Challenges in Resume Parsing

  • Format Variations: Resumes come in various formats (PDF, Word, etc.), which can affect parsing accuracy.
  • Language and Terminology: Variations in language, jargon, and terminology across industries and regions.
  • Complex Layouts: Resumes with complex designs, tables, or graphics can be challenging to parse.
  • Data Quality: Inaccurate or incomplete information in resumes can affect the parsing results.

The resume parsing feature in ATS

Resume Parsing Software

The ATS software itself typically includes built-in resume parsing functionality, developed directly within their system. This means that recruiters can directly upload resumes into the ATS, enabling it to automatically extract and store candidate information. This approach streamlines the recruitment process, eliminating manual data entry and ensuring all candidate details are centralized and easily accessible within the ATS platform.

Extract CVs Quickly and Efficiently with SHiring

SHiring is a high-performance recruitment management solution that helps recruiters minimize costs and maximize benefits in talent acquisition and workforce development.

With intelligent AI-powered resume extraction technology and an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), SHiring can extract all candidate information and automatically input it into the system’s database.

While other software on the market can only recognize basic information, SHiring can:

  • Automatically extract data from multiple CVs simultaneously.
  • Guarantee the utmost accuracy of data.
  • Extract data quickly, in just a few minutes.
  • Support various CV formats such as PDF, DOC, DOCX, and more.

For recruitment departments, SHiring’s CV extraction technology significantly reduces the time and manpower required to process hundreds or thousands of candidate resumes.

Extract CVs Quickly and Efficiently with SHiring


In an era defined by digital innovation, resume parsing emerges as a beacon of efficiency in the recruitment landscape. By harnessing the power of technology, organizations can navigate the complexities of talent acquisition with precision and agility, ultimately driving towards unparalleled success in building robust, high-performing teams.

10 simple steps to create a recruitment plan for your business

Recruiting top talent is crucial for any organization to thrive and meet its business objectives. A well-structured recruitment plan serves as a roadmap, guiding the entire hiring process from identifying needs to onboarding new employees. By following a strategic approach, companies can attract the right candidates, streamline their efforts, and build a talented workforce that drives success.

What is a recruitment plan?

A recruitment plan is a document that outlines the strategies and steps a company will take when hiring for a job position. Recruiting plans enable business owners and managers to focus their efforts and resources on effective hiring strategies. They can be adjusted for each new position while still providing consistent methods for attracting and selecting candidates. Recruiting plans should be updated over time to improve the process based on hiring experience.

A basic recruiting strategy should include the following details:

  • Job description: Including list of requirements and responsibilities, salary and benefits that can be offered.
  • Details about the position: Number of hires needed, whether full-time/part-time/contract roles.
  • Timeline: Deadlines for each step in the hiring process.
  • Target audience: Description of ideal candidate traits and target applicant pool.
  • Outreach methods: List of marketing strategies to reach candidates like job boards, social media, events.
  • Evaluation plan: Methods for evaluating candidates through interviews, application materials.

Recruiting plans provide benefits like creating consistency in the process, guiding hiring staff, being easy to update, and helping attract candidates by demonstrating professionalism.

What is a recruiting plan?

10 steps to create an effective recruitment plan for your business

Recruiting top talent is crucial for any organization to thrive and meet its business objectives. A well-structured recruitment plan serves as a roadmap, guiding the entire hiring process from identifying needs to onboarding new employees. By following a strategic approach, companies can attract the right candidates, streamline their efforts, and build a talented workforce that drives success. Here are 10 simple steps to create an effective recruiting plan for your business:

10 simple steps to create an effective recruiting plan.

Step 1: Analyze recruitment needs and forecast hiring needs

Begin by evaluating your current workforce capabilities and anticipating future requirements. Identify which roles need to be filled immediately and which may be needed down the line. This step involves analyzing skill gaps within the organization to determine the type of candidates required. Understanding these needs will help in targeting the right talent at the right time.

Step 2: Start with a compelling job description

Clear and detailed job descriptions are essential. These should outline the responsibilities, requirements, and expectations for each position. Highlight the benefits and unique aspects of your company to attract top talent. Additionally, use inclusive language to encourage a diverse range of applicants, ensuring that you don’t unintentionally discourage any potential candidates from applying.

Step 3: Build out a budget for recruitment costs

Estimate the costs associated with job advertising, recruiting software, background checks, and recruitment agencies if needed. Don’t forget to consider additional expenses such as relocation costs, signing bonuses, and training for new hires. Having a well-defined budget helps in managing resources efficiently and avoiding unexpected expenses.

Step 4: Identify the tools you need for a scalable recruitment process

Investing in the right tools can streamline the recruitment process. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are essential for managing applications and tracking candidates. Utilize recruitment marketing tools and platforms to reach a broader audience. Consider tools for resume screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication to enhance efficiency and scalability.

Step 5: Work with others

Recruitment is a team effort. Engage hiring managers and team members in the recruitment process. Develop a clear communication plan to keep everyone informed about their roles and responsibilities. Encourage feedback and suggestions to continuously improve the recruitment process, fostering a collaborative environment that enhances the overall strategy.

>> 7 Aspects of ATS implementation: Improve candidate experience

Work with others.

Step 6: Create a hiring plan and recruitment calendar

Establish realistic deadlines for each stage of the recruitment process. Plan for peak hiring periods and ensure resources are available to manage increased workloads. Schedule regular check-ins to track progress and make necessary adjustments. A well-structured plan and calendar help in maintaining a smooth and organized recruitment process.

Step 7: Define your candidate sourcing strategy

Determine the best channels to source candidates, such as job boards, social media, and recruitment agencies. Build a talent pipeline by maintaining relationships with potential candidates and industry contacts. Use employee referrals to tap into a network of qualified candidates, leveraging existing employees’ networks to find the best talent.

Step 8: Create or refine your selection process

Create a structured interview process that includes standardized questions and evaluation criteria. Use assessments and tests to measure candidates’ skills and cultural fit. Ensure a fair and unbiased selection process by training interviewers and using diverse interview panels. A refined selection process helps in making informed and objective hiring decisions.

Step 9: Establish your onboarding process

Design an onboarding program that helps new hires integrate into the company culture and become productive quickly. Include orientation sessions, training programs, and regular check-ins with managers. Providing necessary resources and support ensures a smooth transition for new employees, setting them up for success from day one.

Establish your onboarding process.

Step 10: Update and edit the recruitment plan

Regularly review the recruitment plan to identify areas for improvement. Gather feedback from new hires, hiring managers, and recruiters to understand what works well and what needs adjustment. Stay updated with industry trends and best practices to continuously refine the recruitment strategy. An adaptable plan allows for ongoing improvement and sustained success in recruitment efforts.

By following these steps, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective recruitment plan that meets their current and future hiring needs, attracts top talent, and fosters a diverse and productive workforce.

Recruitment plan template

Jim Collins once said, ‘Great vision without great people is irrelevant.’ This quote underscores the importance of having a solid recruitment plan in place to attract and retain the right talent to execute the company’s vision effectively.

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

Guided by this principle, the subsequent template delineates an approach to crafting a tailored recruitment plan aligned with the unique requirements of your organization:

Recruitment Plan Template

Business Name/Department: [Insert]

Date: [Insert]

Prepared by: [Insert Name], [Insert Job Title]

Recruitment Goals

  • [List SMART recruitment goals]

Positions to Fill

  • [List positions to be filled with reasons, weekly working hours, and approximate salary]

Target Candidates

  • [Describe desired qualities in candidates]

Talent Sourcing Methods

  • [List methods for attracting potential candidates]

Applicant Evaluation Methods

  • [List methods for assessing candidates]

Projected Yearly Recruitment Budget

  • Total Budget: $[Insert]
  • Number of New Recruits: [Insert]
  • Estimated Cost per Additional Hire: $[Insert]
  • Breakdown of Expenses:
    • [Detailed List of Recruitment Expenses]

Apply SHiring in building a recruitment plan

Effective planning and technology integration enhance your recruitment strategies. With its superior features, SHiring helps businesses optimize efficiency, costs, and resources for their recruitment activities. As a result, recruitment plans are ensured to be implemented effectively and efficiently.

In particular, with its outstanding features, SHiring creates a pleasant experience for candidates approaching the business, contributing to enhancing a sustainable recruitment brand.

Apply SHiring in building a recruitment plan.

The superior features SHiring supports in recruitment include:

  • Cv parsing technology
  • Centralized cv management
  • Talent pool-based access control
  • Job posting creation and display on careersite
  • Recruitment campaign and position management
  • Recruitment process management
  • In-depth recruitment result reporting and analysis
  • Propose suitable candidates for the recruitment position through AI technology.
  • Integration with external services

Explore how Shiring simplifies team-based hiring, streamlines processes, and facilitates the evaluation of recruitment outcomes.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS


By following these 10 simple steps, organizations can create a comprehensive and effective recruitment plan that meets their current and future hiring needs. A well-thought-out recruitment plan not only attracts top talent but also fosters a diverse and productive workforce, ensuring your business continues to thrive and achieve its goals. Regularly updating and refining your plan will help you stay ahead of industry trends and maintain a competitive edge in the talent market.

Choosing the right ATS system for your business | Useful tips

Recruitment challenges include attracting quality candidates, reducing costs, and managing administrative tasks. SHiring will share tips on selecting the right ATS system, providing useful advice to choose an optimal ATS for your business.

What are the primary obstacles you face in the recruitment process?

Attracting quality candidates

In an increasingly competitive job market, especially with the rise of new tech companies, attracting quality candidates is becoming more difficult. Even if companies have career websites and online application processes, an unfriendly interface or complex application process can lead to missed opportunities with potential candidates.

To create the best recruitment experience, companies need to develop user-friendly career sites and simple application processes to attract and retain high-quality candidates.

Readmore: 7 Aspects of ATS implementation: Improve candidate experience

Reducing recruitment costs

One simple way to reduce recruitment costs is to limit reliance on external recruitment agencies. However, internal recruitment and HR teams are often too busy with their current duties.

Therefore, businesses often rely on recruitment agencies to assist with filling some or all vacant positions due to a lack of time for screening numerous applications and a lack of recruitment marketing expertise within the internal HR team. Using external recruitment services is considered a straightforward solution.

However, using recruitment agencies or headhunters for senior positions is reasonable as they can leverage their existing networks. For lower and mid-level positions, using external recruitment services can be more costly. Additionally, recruitment agencies have limited access to both active and passive job seekers.

Read more: How much does an Applicant Tracking System cost ?

Simplify administrative processes

Administrators often handle a large volume of emails and perform repetitive tasks, which is not only time-consuming but can also lead to fatigue and mistakes.

Recruitment administration is often considered quite boring and monotonous. This is one reason many companies outsource recruitment services instead of recruiting directly. They want to delegate the recruitment tasks to agencies.

Recruitment administration is often considered quite boring and monotonous.

Finding Talent

Although there are many candidates available on the market, finding the right candidate for a specific position is still challenging, especially in technical or specialized fields.

Spend less time on email and improve candidate communication

Frequent email communication can be time-consuming and prone to misunderstandings, particularly when there are hundreds or even thousands of applicants for a position.

Foster diversity and inclusion when hiring.

While many companies aim to improve workforce diversity, reality often falls short of expectations. Challenges include inherent biases and unfair recruitment processes.

Elevate hiring manager engagement

Some hiring managers may not be fully engaged in the recruitment process due to a lack of understanding of the process or insufficient support from technology and data, leading to delays or inaccurate decisions.

Crucial factors to take into account when selecting an ATS

Company size

When choosing an ATS (Applicant Tracking System), company size is an important factor. Large companies often have more complex needs when it comes to recruitment management, requiring a powerful ATS with many advanced features. Conversely, small companies may just need a system that is simple, easy to use, and lower in cost.

Read more: Which businesses are suitable for implementing ATS?

Number of recruitment

The number of positions to be filled also determines the choice of ATS. If a company frequently hires in large volumes, an ATS capable of managing a large number of candidates and complex recruitment processes is essential. Conversely, if the hiring volume is low, a simpler system may suffice.


The budget allocated for an ATS is crucial. ATS solutions vary widely in cost, from free or low-cost options for small businesses to high-end systems with many features for large enterprises. Defining a budget helps select a suitable system within financial means.

The budget allocated for an ATS is crucial.

Connect with other HR systems

The ability of an ATS to integrate with other human resources management systems such as payroll, benefits, or employee performance management systems is very important. This integration helps synchronize data, minimize errors, and save time for HR departments.

User-friendly interface

An easy-to-use, user-friendly interface will help make the process of using the ATS more efficient. If the system is too complex, employees may have difficulty using it and take a lot of time to train. Therefore, an intuitive, easy-to-operate interface is an essential factor when choosing an ATS.

Reporting and analysis

The ability to create reports and analyze data is one of the important features of an ATS. The system should provide detailed reports on the recruitment process, the effectiveness of recruitment channels, and other related indicators. These reports help businesses evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment strategies and make decisions to improve future recruitment processes.

Tips useful when choosing ATS

Choosing the right applicant tracking system (ATS) is an important process for every organization, especially those with large recruitment needs. Here are some useful tips to help you choose the right ATS.

Determine your needs

Before you start looking for an ATS, you need to clearly define your organization’s specific needs and requirements. This includes:

  • Recruitment scale: You need a system that can handle the number of candidate applications you anticipate receiving.
  • Essential features: Determine what features are essential to your recruiting process, such as candidate profile management, interview scheduling, integration with other tools (e.g. social media, calendar,email).
  • Budget: Set a specific budget and look for ATSs that fall within this price range.
  • Number of users: Determine how many people on the recruiting team will use the system to ensure that it has adequate support capabilities.

Evaluate through Demo version

Before deciding to purchase any ATS system, ask the vendor for a demo. This is an important step so you can directly experience the system’s features. When participating in the demo, please pay attention to:

  • User interface: Is the interface friendly and easy to use? Can your employees quickly become familiar with the system?
  • Actual features: Does the system have the features you have identified as necessary? Ask your provider to explain specifically how these features work.
  • Customization capabilities: Does the system allow you to customize to your organization’s unique needs?
  • Speed ​​and performance: Does the system operate smoothly and without interruption during use?
Before deciding to purchase any ATS system, ask the vendor for a demo.

Read customer reviews

Reading reviews from current and previous customers of an ATS provider is a great way to better understand the quality and effectiveness of the system. Explore these insightful resources for further information:

  • Use resources such as software review sites (e.g. Capterra, G2)
  • Forums and social networks: Industry forums or groups on social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook) can provide comments and practical experiences from industry experts.
  • Case studies: Case studies shared by the vendor can provide insight into how the system has helped other organizations improve their recruitment processes.

Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data remain intact

When using an ATS system, candidate data is a critical asset and needs to be protected. Make sure the ATS provider has strong security measures in place to protect your data. Check the following factors:

  • Compliance with legal regulations: ATS must comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR (Europe) or CCPA (California).
  • Security certification: Check if the supplier has security certifications such as ISO 27001 or SOC 2.
  • Privacy policy: Read your provider’s privacy policy carefully to ensure that your data will not be misused.
  • Technical security measures: Does the system use security measures such as data encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems?

By following these steps, you will be able to choose the right ATS system for your organization’s needs, helping to optimize the recruitment process and ensure the security of candidate data.

SHiring – The right recruitment management solution for your business

Let SHiring be your trusted partner in managing your recruitment process. With an intuitive interface and powerful features, SHiring provides a professional and efficient recruitment management experience.

SHiring is not just a solution but a powerful tool to optimize your recruitment process in the most professional and effective way. Test it out immediately and sense the contrast.

7 Aspects of ATS implementation: Improve candidate experience

In the digital age, high-quality candidates play a decisive role in the success or failure of a business. However, attracting and recruiting exceptional candidates is no small challenge. SHiring will introduce 7 aspects of implementing an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that enhance the candidate experience and provide a competitive advantage in the talent race.

What is candidate experience?

The candidate experience encompasses the entire process a job seeker goes through when applying to a company. It includes all stages of interaction, starting from the initial application submission, to the interview rounds, competency assessments, and concluding with receiving a job offer or rejection notification from the employer.

Read more: What is an Applicant Tracking System?

The importance of candidate experience

In today’s digital age, enhancing the candidate experience is essential. An effective solution is to implement an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – software that automates and manages the recruitment process, including job postings, resume screening, interview scheduling and candidate tracking. An ATS optimizes the recruitment process, providing a better experience for candidates through its ability to process quickly, continuously and efficiently.

The candidate experience holds particular importance. A recent report by CareerPlug indicated that 53% of job seekers had at least one negative experience during the hiring process in the past 12 months. Additionally, 52% of job seekers declined job offers due to poor experiences.

The candidate experience holds particular importance.

In the highly competitive talent market, the candidate experience determines a company’s success in attracting and retaining high-quality talent. The candidate experience reflects the professionalism and respect a company shows to potential candidates, which can lead to either positive or negative outcomes.

A negative candidate experience can cause a company to miss out on recruiting top talent, damage its reputation and brand, prolong the hiring process and increase costs. Conversely, a positive candidate experience brings many benefits, such as increasing the job offer acceptance rate by 38% (according to CriteriaCorp), saving time and recruitment costs, attracting suitable candidates, enhancing the employer brand and boosting workforce productivity.

Therefore, implementing solutions like ATS to improve the candidate experience is a crucial step, helping companies gain a competitive advantage in attracting talent.

7 Aspects of implementing ATS to improve the candidate experience

Candidate information storage

ATS plays a crucial role in organizing and efficiently managing candidate data throughout the recruitment process. Given the vast number of resumes and applications that recruiters receive for each job opening, managing and tracking all this information manually can overwhelm recruiters.

With the implementation of an ATS, detailed candidate information is centrally stored in a centralized database, completely eliminating the need for physical paperwork or disorganized spreadsheets that can easily be misplaced or lost. Recruiters can access and search candidate profiles with just a few clicks, significantly saving valuable time.

In addition to systematically organizing candidate information, an ATS ensures compliance with data protection regulations by securely storing sensitive personal information in accordance with privacy laws. With ATS assistance in scientifically arranging candidate information, recruiters can optimize their workflow and focus on evaluating candidates’ competencies instead of spending excessive time sorting through piles of paperwork or disordered digital data.

This not only reduces the burden on recruiters but also enhances the quality of the candidate experience. When the recruitment process is carried out smoothly and efficiently, candidates feel respected and professional. They receive quicker feedback and have positive experiences during their application process. Moreover, using an ATS helps minimize errors and ensures fairness in reviewing all candidates, creating a transparent and professional recruitment process.

Streamlining the recruitment process

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) play a vital role in streamlining and increasing efficiency in the recruitment process. Thanks to the ability to automate various tasks and centralize candidate information management, ATS helps recruiters save significant time and effort.

One of the ways ATS streamlines the process is by simplifying job postings and applications. With this system, employers can easily create detailed job postings with specific requirements and standards. This ensures that only the most suitable candidates apply, helping to screen out unqualified candidates from the start, reducing the volume of applications that need to be manually screened.

Furthermore, an ATS allows tracking and recording every step of the hiring process, from initial screening and interviews to making the final offer. All candidate interaction information is stored, ensuring no steps are missed and providing transparency for both parties.

Thanks to its diverse and superior features, ATS has become an indispensable tool in optimizing the recruitment process. ATS helps recruiters save time, improve productivity and make more accurate hiring decisions. At the same time, this system also improves candidate experience, creating satisfaction and professionalism right from the first steps of the recruitment process.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

ATS play a vital role in streamlining and increasing efficiency in the recruitment process.

Automating administrative tasks

An Applicant Management System (ATS) is a powerful tool for simplifying and automating many administrative tasks related to the candidate experience during the recruiting process. With this system, employers do not need to spend too much time entering candidate information or manually screening resumes..

One of the important features of an ATS is the ability to analyze resumes. The system will automatically extract relevant information from records and populate the database, saving significant time compared to reading each record individually. Employers can quickly review analyzed data and make informed decisions.

In addition, ATS also automates communication with candidates via email such as sending email confirmation of application receipt or interview schedule. This helps candidates stay updated without the need for recruitment staff to send emails manually.

Another notable feature is the ability to schedule interviews directly on the platform and send calendar invites to candidates. ATS also supports feedback management and candidate evaluation by centralizing information from many sources in a single system.

By automating the above administrative tasks, ATS helps recruiters spend more time focusing on building relationships with candidates instead of getting caught up in paperwork or reporting, improving quality amount of experience for candidates.

Better Job Descriptions

17% of candidates withdraw from the recruitment process due to discrepancies between the job description and the interview.

According to LinkedIn

Clear job postings that provide detailed information about the job, work environment, job requirements and evaluation criteria help candidates quickly determine if the career opportunity aligns with their skills, experience and career goals. This is crucial as it helps candidates understand the company, its culture, core values, and specific job descriptions, facilitating deeper and more effective conversations during interviews.

Leverage recruitment software’s data analysis capabilities to gather detailed information about the target talent group, including experience, skills, educational background and other factors you seek. This information helps you create specific, concise and attractive job descriptions that reflect recruitment needs and attract the right candidates.

Use collaboration tools to quickly share job description drafts with stakeholders such as managers, HR and field experts, allowing you to receive timely feedback and improve the content.

Clear job postings that provide detailed information about the job.

Ensuring stakeholder alignment to avoid wasting time

  • Classifying and tagging candidates:

ATS helps recruiters classify and tag candidates based on criteria such as skills, experience, expertise and job position. This enables recruiters to easily filter and identify the most suitable candidates for specific positions, shortening recruitment time and enhancing candidate experience by providing timely feedback.

  • Adding notes and comments on candidates:

ATS allows recruiters to add notes and comments on candidates at various stages of the recruitment process. This ensures candidate information is accurately updated, making all interactions with candidates personalized and effective, improving candidate experience.

  • Sharing Talent Pool data:

ATS provides talent pool data for use in discussions about ideal candidate profiles. This helps recruiters persuade hiring managers about their strategies, set accurate expectations from the beginning and ensure selected candidates meet the position requirements, facilitating a smooth and transparent application process.

  • ATS Access Rights:

Provide ATS access rights to hiring managers and other stakeholders to increase visibility into the recruitment process. This allows them to raise issues promptly, ensuring the recruitment process runs smoothly and efficiently, thereby enhancing candidate experience with quick handling of information and feedback.

Maintain candidate engagement

Frequent Communication: Provide candidates with updates on their application progress through each recruitment stage. Use ATS to automatically send notification emails and status updates, ensuring candidates are always informed.

Showing Respect: Appreciate candidates’ time and interest. Ensure they don’t feel ignored or left out..

Creating a Good Impression: Maintain a professional and seamless application experience, demonstrating respect and positive company culture.

Effective Monitoring: Use ATS to track each candidate’s progress, set reminders, and collaborate with team members.

By implementing these measures, you can ensure candidates have a positive experience with your company, even if they are not hired for the applied position. This can help you build a reputation as a reputable employer, attracting high-quality candidates for future recruitment opportunities.

Maintain candidate engagement play a vital role.

Providing a user-friendly interface

A professional and user-friendly interface is crucial for creating a good company brand and image for candidates. Modern Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) offer an attractive, easy-to-use interface that can be customized to match the company’s unique style. This helps the company present a professional and modern image, creating a positive impression from the first moments candidates interact with the system.

Moreover, a friendly and consistent interface across different devices, including mobile, provides a smooth and convenient experience for candidates throughout the application process. This not only helps the company gain favor from candidates but also demonstrates professionalism and dedication to creating an optimal application environment.

SHiring – ATS solution to improve candidate experience

In today’s digital age, finding and recruiting talent has become increasingly complex and competitive. Companies not only need to attract potential candidates but also ensure the recruitment process runs smoothly and efficiently. That’s why ATS has become an indispensable solution.

SHiring offers outstanding benefits for both recruiters and candidates. With advanced features, this solution not only optimizes the recruitment process, saving time and resources for recruiters but also enhances the candidate experience, creating a friendly and professional recruitment environment.

Discover in detail how SHiring can improve the candidate experience, helping companies attract and retain excellent talent, ensuring a competitive advantage in today’s market. If you are ready to elevate your recruitment activities to a new level, request a demo of SHiring today.

Which businesses are suitable for implementing ATS?

In the context of advancing technology, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become indispensable tools in the recruitment processes of many businesses. So, which businesses are suitable for deploying ATS?

Trends in applying ATS technology in businesses

In the context of ever-advancing technology, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become indispensable tools in the recruitment processes of many businesses. ATS helps automate and optimize recruitment-related tasks such as posting job listings, collecting and managing candidate resumes and efficiently sorting and filtering resumes. Thanks to these outstanding benefits, the trend of applying ATS is increasingly widespread, helping businesses save time, reduce costs and enhance the quality of recruitment.

Additionally, the integration capability of applicant Tracking System is also a notable new trend. By connecting with other management systems, Applicant Tracking System provides a comprehensive view of candidates and current employees. This helps enhance the efficiency of resume and candidate data management, while optimizing recruitment and human resource management processes within businesses.

According to a 2022 Capterra study, 75% of businesses using ATS indicated that this technology helped them save time and costs in the recruitment process. With technology development support, there are now many ATS solutions with diverse capabilities, suitable for the financial capabilities of all business scales. Businesses can choose to use ATS solutions according to their needs and desired features.

Reasons why businesses need to deploy ATS

In the increasingly competitive recruitment context, applying technology to improve recruitment efficiency is essential. The Applicant Tracking System was born to meet this need, bringing many practical benefits to businesses such as:

Improve recruitment efficiency

ATS helps automate many time-consuming manual recruitment processes, such as sorting resumes, sending notification emails, scheduling interviews, etc. Thus, recruiters can focus on more important tasks such as evaluating candidates and making hiring decisions.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

ATS helps improve recruitment efficiency.

Reduce recruitment costs:

An Applicant Tracking System helps businesses reduce recruitment costs, save time and resources, increase work efficiency, and optimize recruitment processes based on analytical data. It’s also expands the scope of candidate search and filtering, reducing the need for expensive recruitment.

Improve candidate experience

ATS provides candidates with a smoother and more transparent application process. Candidates can easily submit resumes online, track the recruitment progress, and receive feedback from recruiters.

Attract high quality candidates

ATS helps employers easily find and attract the most suitable candidates for vacancies. Thanks to features like keyword analysis, skills assessment, and resume comparison, It’s helps recruiters quickly identify potential candidates.

Enhance employer branding

Using an applicant tracking system (ATS) can lend professionalism and credibility to a potential application. Businesses using ATS will create an image as a talent recruitment and development company. Most ATS software today provide a recruitment page feature (recruitment page), helping businesses build a professional recruitment channel, complete with information about vacancies and company culture. This can fulfill a business’s commitment to attracting the best candidates.

In short, using ATS not only improves recruitment efficiency but also helps businesses promote an attractive and professional employer brand, thereby retaining and attracting more talents.

Read more: What is an Applicant Tracking System? Why is this system important for businesses?

Which businesses are suitable to deploy ATS?

Every business can deploy an Applicant Tracking System to increase operational efficiency. However, to choose a suitable system, some important factors need to be considered, including:

Business scale:

Small Business:

For small businesses, although the cost of deploying ATS may be high, the benefits it brings are significant. According to Capterra’s research, 75% of small businesses said ATS helped them save time, and 65% reported reduced recruitment costs. In addition, It also provides access to leading features such as job boards and candidate evaluation tools, which were previously only available to large businesses.

ATS helps automate many manual recruitment processes for small businesses, such as sorting candidate resumes, scheduling interviews, and tracking recruitment progress. Thus, small businesses can save time and costs, while focusing on other important business activities.

Every business can deploy ATS.

Medium-sized businesses:

Meanwhile, for medium-sized businesses, ATS deployment becomes more necessary. A 2022 study by the Brandon Hall Group found that 92% of medium-sized businesses use ATS to manage a large number of job positions and candidates. Moreover, ATS also supports them in making more informed hiring decisions, complying with legal regulations related to recruitment, and integrating recruitment processes with other systems.

Medium-sized businesses often have more complex recruitment needs than small businesses. ATS can help them manage multiple job positions, track multiple candidates, and make more informed hiring decisions.

Additionally, ATS can help medium-sized businesses comply with legal regulations related to recruitment and ensure that their recruitment process is fair and non-discriminatory.

Large corporations:

For large corporations, ATS deployment becomes more important than ever. They have applied ATS to automate recruitment processes, track recruitment data, and make hiring decisions based on data. However, to meet complex needs, they need a more dynamic and comprehensive ATS solution.

Large corporations often have a large volume of candidate resumes and complex recruitment processes. ATS can help them automate many recruitment processes, track recruitment data, and make hiring decisions based on data. Moreover, It’s can also help large corporations integrate recruitment processes with other systems, such as Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.

In summary, whether the business scale is large or small, ATS deployment brings significant benefits. However, factors such as cost, resources, and specific business needs need to be carefully considered before deciding to apply this technology.

Company industry:

The Applicant Tracking System plays a crucial role in the recruitment process of various industries. In today’s era, when the demand for talent recruitment becomes more urgent than ever, using it has become an effective tool to save time, costs, and optimize recruitment processes.

Information Technology industry:

In the information technology field, where there is always high competition in seeking and retaining the best talents, ATS plays a vital role. IT companies often have to deal with a large volume of complex candidate resumes, requiring high technical skills. It’s helps them efficiently filter and find the most suitable candidates based on technology skills and relevant experience. Additionally, It’s supports tracking technical processes, setting up tests, ensuring fairness and transparency in the recruitment process.

ATS plays a vital role in Information technology industry.

Healthcare industry:

In the healthcare field, ATS plays an important role in ensuring compliance with legal regulations for recruitment and employee training. The healthcare industry has complex recruitment processes, including multiple interview rounds and professional examinations. ATS helps healthcare organizations effectively manage this process, providing verified qualifications and professional certificates of members, and ensuring that all members are evaluated successfully.

Retail industry:

In the retail industry, ATS plays a crucial role in recruiting seasonal staff. Retail companies often need to recruit a large number of sales staff, transaction officers during peak times such as holidays or shopping seasons. ATS helps them manage recruitment at multiple locations, different stores, while finding candidates with good communication skills and excellent service attitudes.

Education industry:

In the education sector, ATS plays a crucial role in recruiting education personnel, administrative staff by academic year. Schools, universities have to assess the teaching competence, teaching experience of candidates through multiple interview rounds. It’s helps them store, manage recruitment records and employment contracts, while ensuring that the requirements for education qualifications, certificates of education personnel are met.

Headhunter companies:

Headhunter companies also benefit greatly from using ATS. They have to manage a large number of candidate resumes for various industries, while analyzing and comparing resumes with recruitment requirements from client companies. It’s helps them automate the screening process,


Finally, manufacturing companies can also benefit from using ATS to recruit a large number of workers, machine operators at many factories. Although the requirements for qualifications may be simpler, they need to find candidates with practical skills, suitable expertise. It’s helps them manage interview processes, practical competency tests at multiple locations, and integrate with human resources, payroll systems after recruitment.

Manufacturing companies can also benefit from using ATS to recruit a large number of workers

Note: Although ATS can be used in various industries, it’s crucial to choose an ATS solution that fits the specific needs of the business.

Recruitment needs:

Frequent recruitment needs:

In today’s competitive labor market, organizations face significant pressure to quickly and effectively recruit for vacant positions. With a large volume of job applications for each vacancy, manually screening and managing candidates becomes a challenging task. ATS solutions help reduce recruitment time and improve overall productivity.

Automate the recruitment process: Businesses with regular recruitment needs can use ATS to automate many recruitment processes, such as classifying candidate profiles, scheduling interviews, and tracking recruitment progress. This can help them save time and money, and recruit new employees more quickly and effectively.

Track recruitment data: ATS can help businesses with recruitment needs regularly track recruitment data, such as number of candidates, conversion rates and time to hire. This data can be used to improve recruitment efficiency more quickly and effectively.

For example, startups, high-tech companies, and retail companies often have frequent hiring needs to accommodate rapid growth.

Seasonal or large-scale recruitment:

In an increasingly competitive and complex recruitment landscape, especially in seasonal or large-scale recruitment drives, effectively managing the recruitment process becomes a key factor to ensure businesses can Quickly respond to human resource needs. One of the effective support tools for businesses in this situation is the recruitment management system.

Managing a large number of candidates: ATS can help businesses manage large volumes of applications in a short period of time, like during a seasonal or large-scale hiring drive. This can help them recruit enough staff to meet demand effectively.

ATS can help businesses manage large volumes of applications.

Make quick hiring decisions: ATS allows businesses to make fast and accurate hiring decisions, which is important in seasonal or large-scale recruitment drives, when time is of the essence.

For example, retail companies often need to recruit many sales staff during the year-end shopping season. High-tech companies may also have a need to recruit many technical staff to develop new products.

SHiring – ATS integrated software helps optimize the recruitment process of businesses

SHiring provides a comprehensive Applicant Tracking System solution, helping businesses manage the recruitment process efficiently and seamlessly. This solution integrates automated data entry and candidate profile analysis technology, saving time and minimizing errors. Furthermore, SHiring’s ATS allows for role-based candidate profile management, enhancing security and the effectiveness of talent pool data management.

To optimize the recruitment process, SHiring’s ATS automatically synchronizes CV data from popular job platforms. The system also provides detailed reports on recruitment effectiveness, enabling businesses to evaluate and improve their processes. With features for creating and managing job postings, businesses can maintain a professional recruitment brand image through the careersite feature.

Notably, SHiring supports businesses in efficiently deploying ATS, from setup to system integration. SHiring’s experienced team of experts is available 24/7 to support customers, ensuring that the use of ATS is optimized and achieves high efficiency.

How much does an Applicant Tracking System cost ?

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software is an indispensable tool for sourcing, recruiting and hiring top talent. ATS automates the recruitment decision-making process, providing superior evaluation speed and in-depth data-driven insights. However, the cost of ATS varies significantly, depending on the scale, feature set and pricing model.

So, how do you incorporate this new software into your budget and reduce costs? In this article, we will address your concerns and provide a balanced overview to help you make the best decision for your business.

Read more: What is an Applicant Tracking System? Why is this system important for businesses?

Factors influencing ATS deployment costs

Deploying an Applicant Tracking System is a significant investment for any business, and costs can vary considerably depending on several factors. SHiring will help you understand the key factors influencing ATS deployment costs, enabling you to make informed decisions about investing in a system that meets your business needs and budget.

Business scale

Business scale is a crucial factor determining the needs and complexity of an ATS system. Larger enterprises typically have a higher volume of candidates and more complex recruitment needs, requiring a robust ATS with advanced features, leading to higher costs. Conversely, small businesses and startups with fewer job opportunities may opt for a simpler ATS solution to save costs.

Business scale is a crucial factor determining the needs and complexity of an ATS system.

Planned features for deployment

Businesses need to identify essential features for their ATS system, such as candidate tracking, resume screening, online interviews, etc. Advanced features like integration with other HR software, performance management, background checks, etc., will increase deployment costs.

Vendor selection

The ATS market features various vendors, each offering different pricing tiers and feature packages. Businesses need to compare and carefully evaluate vendors to find the solution that best fits their needs and budget.

Additional considerations for costs

In addition to the basic ATS solution costs, businesses should consider the following additional expenses:

  • Additional features: Some vendors may offer specific features as paid add-ons, such as onboarding or background checks, performance management, tracking and surveys.
  • Deployment and maintenance: Deployment and maintenance costs may vary by vendor, including dedicated deployment services, installation, software customization, data migration and integration with other software.
  • Customer support: The level of customer support (knowledge base, email, live chat, phone) may vary between subscription plans, with higher prices providing more professional and priority support.

By carefully considering the above factors, businesses can choose the ATS solution that best suits their needs and budget, while optimizing implementation costs.

Estimate ATS costs based on available pricing options

Each ATS software will adjust its pricing based on individual sales policies. Choosing the appropriate pricing tier will help businesses balance their budget for ATS deployment. Here are some of the most common pricing methods:

  • Fixed rate: A fixed cost for ATS deployment regardless of the number of users, ideal for large enterprises.
  • Pay Per User: Fees based on the number of administrative users, suitable for smaller companies.
  • Pay per vacancy: Charges based on active job postings, ideal for businesses with low hiring volume.
  • Pay per module: Fees when ATS is part of a larger platform, such as CRM or integrated tools.
Choosing the appropriate pricing tier will help businesses balance their budget for ATS deployment.

Method to choose ATS solution with the best price for businesses

Because an applicant tracking system is such an important factor in achieving recruiting success, you don’t want to compromise quality just to save costs. Instead, consider the following cost-saving strategies that don’t impact performance:

  • Use a cloud solution instead of an on-premise deployment – Software deployed on-premises requires expensive licensing, infrastructure, maintenance, management, and hardware upgrade costs. The cloud solution shifts these backend requests to the provider, reducing overall costs for the ATS.
  • Prioritize necessary features over extra features – Focus on essential features without fancy but unnecessary features. You can always use the remaining budget to invest in excess features.
  • Demo – Request demos from suppliers, ask questions and negotiate favorable terms before signing a contract.Don’t hesitate to ask the supplier for information related to their software.
  • Integrate recruitment tools – ATS can be just one part of a recruitment technology system. Find ways to integrate tools that can help save costs.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

Optimize deployment costs with SHiring’s ATS solution

The benefits of ATS make it nearly essential for businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises. Automation features, sourcing capabilities, flexible integration, scalability, and pricing options make it an attractive solution for hiring top talent.

Although investing in an applicant tracking system entails significant costs, it provides a competitive advantage, attracts top talent, and yields substantial profits. By choosing a cloud-based ATS solution and focusing on essential features, investment costs can be optimized more reasonably, aligning with your business’s recruitment strategy.

Developing an Applicant Tracking System is challenging and complex. If you’re considering this option, it’s crucial to understand all cost-related aspects. However, if the initial investment seems overwhelming, solutions like SHiring’s ATS may be a wise choice. This decision should be based on understanding your specific needs, assessing related costs and adjusting them to align with your business’s strategic goals.

SHiring is an applicant tracking system platform that streamlines your recruitment process. With notable features like automated recruitment workflows, flexible integration with other systems, and superior scalability, SHiring offers convenience and effectiveness for recruiters. Don’t settle for subpar ATS just because it’s free. Check out SHiring’s ATS, your recruiter’s new best friend. SHiring provides comprehensive recruitment software in a user-friendly package without breaking the bank. Contact us today to deploy SHiring into your talent management strategy.

6 common misunderstandings about ATS

According to a survey by JobScan, 66% of large-scale enterprises and over 35% of small businesses have implemented ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to streamline their recruitment processes. Among them, more than 86% of HR personnel at companies with ATS implementation claim to have saved ⅔ of the total recruitment time.

However, there still exist many misconceptions regarding ATS. For instance, many people believe that using ATS will completely eliminate the job of the recruitment department. Or that only large corporations need to implement ATS because this solution is costly and time-consuming. This article will clarify 6 common misconceptions about ATS.

ATS Forces Companies to Completely Change Their Recruitment Process

This is a common misconception that makes many companies hesitant to implement ATS software. In reality, implementing Applicant Tracking System in a company will not affect the recruitment process. The ATS system is designed to fully accommodate the unique recruitment processes of each company. The only change here is that instead of carrying out manual processes, the HR team now relies on technology.

Moreover, modern ATS systems are integrated with third-party software, notably popular recruitment tools such as Gmail, DocuSign, Glassdoor, Indeed, LinkedIn, etc. With these integrated tools, recruiters can perform tasks quickly and conveniently within a single tab.

With our high-performance recruitment management solution, SHiring, we are ready to integrate additional third-party software to support the recruitment process of companies. Furthermore, when a company uses SHiring, depending on each job position, recruiters can customize the interview process or set up the company’s own interview process. Recruiters can perform all tasks, manage, and track each process with just one software.

All Applicant Tracking System Systems from Providers Are the Same

This misconception leads many companies to choose ATS based on price rather than the features it provides. Because each ATS system from each provider is designed for different usage purposes and serves different needs, some features will have certain differences. For example, a company may deploy ATS with some custom features, while another company may not need or have those features in their ATS software.

For this reason, companies need to research and understand what issues they need to address. From there, they can decide which ATS will best meet their recruitment process and operations.

ATS Helps in Easing and Improving the Recruitment Process. However, with SHiring’s solution, we have some distinct features compared to traditional ATS systems. With SHiring, recruiters can easily search and select suitable candidates thanks to integrated AI technology. Especially, the system will score the candidate’s compatibility with the job requirements based on the criteria that recruiters consider most important. These criteria may include skills, experience, educational qualifications, etc. Then, SHiring’s unique ATS will filter candidates and suggest the most suitable candidates in seconds.

After the system evaluates the compatibility and provides scores, talent acquisition experts will notice that each candidate will have a certain percentage of suitability. This percentage is the compatibility of the candidate’s profile with the job requirements. SHiring’s ATS system is very intuitive when providing the Candidate Resume Parser feature, which helps scan and extract information from candidate resumes with up to 99% accuracy.

Read more: SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

ATS Automatically Eliminates Incompatible Resumes

The belief that the Applicant Tracking System system automatically rejects resumes is one of the biggest misconceptions about ATS. Many articles even suggest that nearly 70% of resumes will be rejected by the ATS before reaching the recruiters. This information is entirely inaccurate.

After an applicant submits their resume, the ATS system will scan and extract the candidate’s data into key fields to help recruiters track easily. Whether the candidate progresses to further rounds in the recruitment process depends on the decision of the recruiters.

The ATS system will only automatically reject resumes if allowed by recruiters. This is the case where recruiters set up screening questions or what can be called “direct screening” questions. These questions are designed to filter out candidates who do not meet the job requirements, regardless of the content of their resumes. For example: if a company needs to hire a position that requires frequent long-distance travel, recruiters can add a question to the application form like “Are you willing to travel long distances for work when required?” If your company does not sponsor visas, recruiters can add a question to the application form like “Do you need sponsorship to work?” Candidates who answer “no” will be rejected.

Similarly with SHiring, our ATS does not automatically reject candidate resumes. After scanning candidate information, recruiters can categorize candidates into specific Talent Pools. Then, based on SHiring’s suggestions, recruiters can know which candidates are the most potential for the job position. The process of eliminating unsuitable candidates will be directly carried out by the recruitment department.

ATS Completely Eliminates the Job of the Recruitment Department

Many ATS software nowadays integrate AI technology. This is the reason why many people think that implementing ATS will completely eliminate the recruitment department from the recruitment process. And this is entirely wrong.

The applicant tracking system is designed to optimize and digitize the recruitment process, helping companies save time and select suitable candidates. However, what the ATS software with integrated AI cannot do is replace the human factor in the recruitment efforts of companies.

Take the example of providing email templates sent to candidates during the recruitment process, such as interview invitation emails, interview result notification emails, etc. The applicant tracking system will help recruiters personalize email communications. Additionally, it allows companies to customize email content to reflect their brand and organizational culture. As well as adding the human factor to the recruitment process so that candidates do not feel they are interacting with robots and machines. So who does the customization? It will still be the company’s recruitment department.

Many companies today have taken advantage of ATS after implementation and have maximized the features of the software. The application of ATS cannot eliminate the human factor from the recruitment process but only upgrades the recruitment process and helps recruiters achieve high work efficiency. In fact, with the applicant tracking system, companies can even focus more on candidates than before.

With SHiring, we only provide tools to support companies in managing and optimizing the recruitment process. The HR department will still be the one to read the resumes of candidates, make decisions to eliminate or continue the recruitment process. They and the specialized department can also directly provide feedback on candidates on SHiring, and the system will store it for convenient tracking later.

ATS is Only Suitable for Deployment in Large-Scale Enterprises or Corporations

The truth is that in large-scale enterprises and corporations, recruitment needs are often frequent and continuous. This results in a large number of resumes received. Therefore, the Applicant Tracking System system will play its role in optimizing the recruitment process and selecting suitable candidates.

However, for startup companies and small businesses, deploying ATS software will bring many benefits. Because ATS allows them to expand the recruitment process. Most startups and small businesses that have implemented ATS have responded that the ATS solution has helped them improve the quality of recruitment while saving costs. These companies use ATS to track candidates, automatically sort and store information, as well as manage and track candidates throughout the recruitment process.

Startups and small businesses can find ATS solutions implemented with adjustable pricing methods to meet their usage needs. Combined with the solution that allows customization of basic features that companies need instead of all features provided by the Applicant Tracking System solution.

SHiring is designed to serve businesses of all sizes and industries. We offer packages based on the number of users and the recruitment needs of the business. This will help businesses easily choose the ATS software with integrated AI at a cost that suits their budget.

ATS Software Only Serves the Recruiter

ATS software is used only by recruiters. However, that does not mean that ATS does not bring benefits or support to candidates. Because a properly implemented ATS system will improve the candidate experience by facilitating easy application, keeping candidates updated on the recruitment process, and interacting with recruiters.

Read more: 7 Aspects of ATS implementation: Improve candidate experience

At SHiring, we not only serve the employer side but also care about enhancing the candidate experience, thereby helping businesses improve their employer brand. We provide ready-made recruitment websites integrated with application forms for each position. Companies only need to fill in convenient information, and within less than 10 minutes, they will create their own careersite. This is also the first impression of candidates about the company. A careersite with its own style, reflecting the company’s culture will help candidates perceive professionalism.

Moreover, SHiring is effectively used on all devices and operating systems. Recruiters, even when not in the office, can update and interact with candidates with just an internet connection. Conversely, candidates can also submit applications directly on their mobile phones. A study from Appcast shows that 60.7% of job applications are completed on mobile devices compared to 39.3% on desktop computers.

The conclusion

Misconceptions about ATS are causing many companies to miss the opportunity to attract talent and improve their recruitment brand. Before learning about Applicant Tracking System, companies need to thoroughly research the provider and understand the issues of the company to choose suitable software. Additionally, consider your budget.

SHiring is an ATS software integrated with AI technology that helps automate and improve the recruitment process. All businesses can deploy our solution. This will be a tool to help businesses successfully implement recruitment strategies. Experience the demo version and see how SHiring can help you attract and recruit top talent today!

SHiring – Efficient recruitment solution integrating AI and ATS

ATS (Applicant Tracking System) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are two advanced technologies frequently mentioned in the era of Industry 4.0. Especially, candidate experience is the top criterion that businesses need to focus on when implementing recruitment strategies. Integrating recruitment with technology helps optimize costs, save management time, and provide a professional experience for candidates. SHiring is a high-performance recruitment management solution integrating the two most advanced technology platforms today, AI and ATS. This is a promising solution that will become a valuable assistant for businesses.

General introduction about SHiring

SHiring is one of the four products within TopCV Corporation’s HR Tech ecosystem, a leading company in leveraging technology for recruitment purposes. It integrates two cutting-edge technologies: AI and Application Tracking System (ATS). This solution is suitable for all business models across various industries due to its ability to optimize every aspect of the recruitment process.

SHiring has been a trusted solution provider for numerous businesses. With SHiring, businesses can easily find suitable candidates, shorten recruitment time, and reduce recruitment costs.

SHiring – An AI integrated ATS platform that enhances recruitment efficiency in every aspect

Aiming to support the digitization of the entire recruitment process, SHiring assists businesses in several areas:

Centralized management and storage of candidate data on one platform

As a modern applicant tracking system platform, SHiring stores and processes all candidate data on a single platform. This ensures security, prevents data loss, and facilitates the retrieval process when necessary.

Candidate applications from various sources are consolidated onto one platform with ATS technology

With SHiring, the HR department can create and post job listings on job boards as well as the company’s own career site. SHiring also provides job description templates with detailed job descriptions for positions, allowing personnel to use existing templates and customize them to suit their recruitment requirements.

In addition, when candidates apply, their profiles are automatically transferred and stored in SHiring. Simultaneously, the system sends notifications to HR accounts regarding new candidate resume, allowing HR to access and review candidate’s resume immediately.

Accurately and swiftly scan candidate information with the Resume Parser feature

Resume Parser is a feature that enables HR to scan resume information by integrating AI data extraction technology. As soon as a resume is received, the system collects and extracts candidate information ranging from personal details to work experience, education and skills. The standout feature of this functionality is its ability to simultaneously extract multiple resume in various formats with fast processing speeds. This feature eliminates the need for manual data entry of resume information and saves time for the HR department.

Read more: Which businesses are suitable for implementing ATS?

Store the entire application history of candidates

A common scenario is that a candidate may apply multiple times for the same position or different positions within a company. To save time in resume screening and utilize information from existing recruitment rounds, HR needs data for reference.

Understanding this issue in businesses, SHiring has a deduplication feature to distinguish between new and previously applied candidates. The system stores the complete application history of candidates, including the source of application, positions applied for, rounds attended, results, and evaluations for each round. With this feature, HR will have the foundation to evaluate and make decisions quickly.

The Talent Pool feature aids in categorizing candidates

SHiring employs Talent Pools to manage and categorize candidate profiles according to specific requirements or criteria set by the business during recruitment campaigns. After collecting and storing candidate data from various sources, you can divide candidates into suitable Talent Pools, organizing the data systematically. Common criteria for dividing each pool include department, job position, job level, location, and more.

The benefits of using this feature include saving time in candidate search and screening. The HR department can also easily determine the next steps to nurture candidate pools for recruitment.

Expeditious candidate data mining

Following the collection, processing, and storage of candidate data, HR needs to efficiently mine this data. With SHiring’s superior technology, you can easily conduct operations such as searching, screening, marketing, and nurturing candidates swiftly and effortlessly.

Easily find candidates through ATS technology

SHiring provides a feature that allows you to search for candidates based on basic information such as name, email, phone number, or tags assigned during categorization. This is also one of the standout features of ATS. You don’t need to manually enter each candidate’s information into an Excel file for future searches – the SHiring system will instantly provide results when you search.

Quick candidate filtering

To save time for HR, SHiring offers a candidate profile filtering system within the Talent Pool with diverse criteria such as resume source, applied position, recruitment round, recruitment stage, experience, etc.

Propose candidates through AI integration

Based on the scanned and collected candidate information, the AI Screening technology integrated into SHiring automatically evaluates candidate profiles by analyzing and comparing the information in the profiles with predefined criteria and job requirements. It provides a score along with the reasons why the system evaluates the candidate with that score. Additionally, it suggests the most suitable candidates for the job. This feature increases the chances of finding quality candidates and reduces search time. SHiring also assesses performance and predicts job success for each candidate. Recruiters can easily make their decisions.

SHiring integrates AI and ATS solutions to swiftly aggregate and mine candidate data

Read more: How much does an Applicant Tracking System cost ? to learn about the costs and which scale of businesses are suitable for implementing ATS software.

Manage the status and process of each recruitment position

Develop a scientific recruitment process and system for each position

The system comes with a pre-integrated standardized recruitment process for all positions. Depending on the specialization requirements and recruitment needs, HR can customize additional recruitment rounds within this process. For example, positions related to content creation or IT may require an additional competency test round for candidates. HR can easily configure this process in the SHiring system and assign employees to work with candidates according to the sequential recruitment rounds.

Personalized automated emails sent to each candidate

Instead of having to draft or copy email content for each candidate manually in Gmail, this process can be automated with SHiring. This automation saves HR a significant amount of time. For each job position, the number of resume received can reach dozens or hundreds. Sending emails to each candidate for various recruitment stages, such as interview invitations, test submissions, post-interview thank-you emails, result feedback appointment emails, salary offer emails, and rejection emails, can be overwhelming.

With SHiring’s superior feature, the HR department can send personalized emails to a batch of candidates simultaneously. This feature not only saves time and prevents errors in sending emails but also helps candidates feel valued and professional.

Easily update candidate statuses

Managing candidate statuses manually can overwhelm HR and lead to oversights due to the large number of candidates. With SHiring, you can track candidate statuses right on the screen. You can see which stage of the recruitment process each candidate is in, update the status of each candidate’s interview rounds simply by drag-and-drop actions. All questions regarding candidate statuses are readily answered on the SHiring interface, allowing you to stay in one place and monitor them.

Automatic real-time progress updates for each position based on the Hiring Pipeline and Dashboard

You will always know which positions have achieved satisfactory recruitment efficiency, which positions need to intensify efforts to attract candidates, where candidate issues are concentrated in the recruitment process, whether to extend or shorten the time for each round to match the number of candidates, etc. In this case, quantity is also an important factor reflecting quality.

Read more: 6 common misunderstandings about ATS

Manage interview activities scientifically

Interviewing candidates is the most crucial step in the recruitment process, where your HR department and candidates can directly interact and evaluate each other. With SHiring, you can build professional and streamlined interview sessions.

Schedule interviews directly on the software

To streamline the interview process, HR personnel can schedule interviews with candidates directly on SHiring. The system is integrated with Google Calendar and Outlook. Interview invitations will be automatically sent to the candidate’s email. The reminder feature helps both HR and candidates avoid missing interview appointments.

Take notes, evaluate and tag candidate profiles on the interview interface

To minimize incomplete or biased evaluations, SHiring offers a feature to evaluate candidates directly on the interface. HR personnel can make notes before, during, and after the interview sessions. These evaluation results will be automatically updated in the candidate profile and indicate whether they have passed or been eliminated from the round. You can simply open the software and check the results anytime, anywhere.

Diverse real-time reporting system with ATS

Measuring effectiveness after each recruitment campaign is extremely important. It serves as the basis for managers to evaluate and optimize subsequent campaigns. Previously, HR had to compile all the data and then create reports to send to higher-ups. However, the accuracy of the reporting results depends on the volume of data processed. If there’s a large amount of candidate data and numerous recruitment positions, errors are more likely. Additionally, reports generated this way tend to be simple and lack visual representation.

At its essence, SHiring is an integrated solution combining AI and ATS technology, thus the issue mentioned will be addressed through real-time automated reporting features. The reporting system, presented in visual chart formats, will allow administrators to easily grasp the company’s recruitment situation. The system supports exporting reports in Excel or PDF formats, ensuring 100% accuracy of the data. Currently, SHiring offers various types of reports:

  • Recruitment performance report for Talent Acquisition: The numbers regarding interactions between the recruitment team and candidates will help you understand the team’s productivity, thereby optimizing team operations. By monitoring these figures in the report, you can assess the quality of the recruitment team’s work and make informed decisions for future recruitment strategies.
  • Recruitment source report: With reports from SHiring, statistical data on candidate sources will help you understand which potential candidates are coming from which recruitment sources. This allows you to measure the effectiveness of each recruitment channel.
  • Recruitment cost report: Business leaders and managers will grasp the total cost for recruitment activities. This enables them to allocate costs appropriately for future campaigns.
  • Report on candidate conversion rates by recruitment stage: Data on candidate conversion rates through each stage provides insights into the effectiveness of the recruitment process, helping you identify areas for improvement in the recruitment steps.

Enhance recruitment branding with the feature of building a professional website

Today, businesses and large corporations highly prioritize building their own careersite. This is a crucial factor in asserting their recruitment brand and promoting their Employer Value Proposition (EVP).

An integrated ATS software solution, SHiring provides templates for recruitment websites suitable for various types of businesses. Simply fill in the necessary information, and you’ll have a website that gives you a competitive edge over others. Additionally, the system integrates application forms for each position. In less than 10 minutes, businesses can create a professional and modern careersite.

Read more: 7 Aspects of ATS implementation: Improve candidate experience

SHiring prioritizes user experience and emphasizes data security

Cross-device and cross-platform usage

SHiring is a solution that users can utilize across multiple platforms and operating systems, from PC, laptop to mobile phone and tablet. As long as there is internet access, it can be used. This allows HR teams to check notifications and manage and monitor recruitment campaigns anytime, anywhere.

Ability to store large amounts of data, ensuring information security

All data in the software is transferred to the Cloud and access is permission-based, ensuring excellent data storage and security capabilities. Modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are integrated into the software for tasks like scanning and virtual assistant reporting, providing customers with the best user experience. Additionally, SHiring always adheres to international data security principles.

24/7 technical support and customer care team

To assist businesses in deploying and using the solution effectively, SHiring’s experienced and specialized team is available to provide support 24/7.

In addition, similar to traditional ATS software, SHiring can be effectively utilized across all devices and operating systems. This aligns well with the nature of recruitment work, where mobility is often required. Whether they are on the go or at their desks, recruiters can access candidate information and track recruitment progress with just a phone or tablet. Similarly, candidates can easily apply for positions directly from their mobile devices.

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the SHiring solution. We believe it is a comprehensive recruitment management solution that helps businesses solve many challenges, from streamlining processes, saving time and effort to improving efficiency.

Register for a demo to experience all the features of SHiring and see how ATS and AI technology will support your recruitment process!

What is an Applicant Tracking System? Why is this system important for businesses?

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is currently utilized in their businesses by 99% of Fortune 500 organizations, according to current statistics. The aim is to speed up, automate and streamline the recruitment process. However, many enterprises still do not clearly understand ATS. Here’s an overview of ATS to help you get started using the software more easily and learn how to shorten the time it takes to find the right candidate for a vacant position.

What is an Applicant Tracking System?

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is software that manages and tracks candidates throughout the entire recruitment process. This system is commonly used by recruiters and talent acquisition. With ATS we can accelerate the candidate management and significantly shortens the time to find the right candidate.

ATS have a variety of built-in features, from simple database functionality to a full-service suite of tools that help businesses of all sizes easily filter, manage, and analyze candidates. All recruitment and HR activities are automate such as sort resume, track candidate applications, facilitate communication, screen candidates and even monitor the cost per hire.

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software that manages and tracks candidates throughout the entire recruitment process.

Read more: 6 common misunderstandings about ATS

Reasons why businesses should invest in Applicant Tracking System software

Talent plays an important role, because this is the factor that helps businesses grow strongly and increase competitiveness in the market. However, in reality, many businesses today are facing many difficulties in the process of finding and recruiting talented people.

For each open position, a company can quickly receive hundreds, even thousands of job applications from candidates. This becomes especially more difficult for large corporations. Because the organizational structure is much more complex, the number of employees they need to recruit also increases exponentially.

Many positions are posted at the same time, making it difficult for the human resources department to process all the job applications they receive and choose the most suitable people.

Using ATS will be the solution to this problem. An ATS can offer a variety capabilities that can help the entire recruitment process from find talent, evaluate potential, track the interview process, evaluate performance, create job offers and hire use. Instead of having to work with a mountain of paper resumes or a full email inbox, they use recruitment management software to store and organize their work effectively.

According to Recruitment strategies report: Invest in employee referrals and promote your brand better by Karen McCandless, 78% of recruiters using an ATS report that it has improved the quality of the candidates they hire. 99% of the fortune 500 companies used an ATS in their recruitment process.

The 6 most important features of an Applicant Tracking System

The candidate tracking system will help businesses optimize costs for the recruitment process, screen candidate resumes, and select the most suitable candidates. Here are the 6 most important features of ATS software:

  • Resume parsing: This process is carried out with the purpose of extracting information from the candidate’s application resume. All information including contact details, employment experience, education level and skills will be scanned by the ATS.
  • Candidate sourcing: Gathering candidates from various recruitment channels into a single source. This will help you easily manage all candidate profiles, search, and quickly reach out to candidates.
  • Email templates: Providing email templates will help recruiters save time on drafting and maintain communication with candidates throughout the interview process.
  • Resume’s candidate scoring: Most ATS software typically provides a feature to score candidates’ application resumes. This scoring is based on the candidate’s experience and skills compared to the requirements for the position. This ensures that candidate resumes are evaluated in a fair and and unbiased evaluations.
  • Advanced analytics and provides visually intuitive reports. This feature allows recruiters to generate reports with various types of charts regarding recruitment timelines, effectiveness of recruitment sources and recruitment costs. These insights help recruiters in formulating effective strategies.
  • Customized Career Pages. The option to generate personalized career pages is a must-have feature for your ATS. According to a LinkedIn survey, 61% of Talent Acquisition leaders believe that the company’s career page is the most effective tool for employer branding. A convenient ATS system will provide a feature for businesses to create their own career page.
The applicant tracking system software offers a plethora of useful features.

How to select an Application Tracking System

With a wide range of ATS options available, finding the possible ATS is difficult. Choosing the wrong software can be detrimental to your brand, as well as a waste of time and money. This requires organizations to consider factors before deciding to use the ATS system for their business.

Understand the problems your business is facing

Choosing an ATS solution that is suitable for the problems your business is facing will help your organization solve these problems completely. With so many ATS options, it’s critical to isolate the true pain points the solution should target. 

For example, if the organization struggles to identify and recruit high-end talent, they should search for an applicant tracking system (ATS) that generates dynamic job descriptions, automates pre-interview skill evaluations, and leverages AI to build a strong skills profile if it has trouble finding and hiring top talent.

As a result, organizations must define the important features and functionalities required for their recruitment process. Consider candidate management, CV parsing, collaborative recruitment tools, reporting, and the ability to integrate the applicant tracking system with other HR systems.

Read more: How much does an Applicant Tracking System cost?

Match investment to the organization’s budget

Choosing a solution that fits your budget will help businesses balance operating costs. To do this, employers need to remember what the purpose needs to be solved. Can the proposed solution meet the needs of the business? And if so, is the budget appropriate and balanced?

Receive demos of recruitment software

All software providers (especially SaaS ones) allow you to experience the product before making a purchasing decision. You just need to make an appointment with them, then see what the pros and cons of their products are.

To select the right applicant tracking system software, various criteria need to be considered.

Highly recommend data security requirements

Data security is extremely important for every enterprise. Candidates believe their confidential application and resume data is secure and will only be utilized for recruiting when they submit their materials. Evaluating the security of the ATS solution will help minimize the risk of data leak.

Need to clearly discuss with the ATS solution provider about data access and control features. In case of data loss, how will the provider handle it? Confirm that the ATS provides data security in the cloud and complies with relevant data protection regulations.

Select a reputable and experienced supplier

Please carefully study the supplier’s capacity profile and the projects they have successfully implemented. Prioritize suppliers who have successfully implemented projects for needs similar to your business.

Before deciding, request a demo or take advantage of a free trial. It will help you get an overview of the tool’s details and functions as well as evaluate product quality. Call your HR solutions partner and schedule a demo or offline presentation right at your workplace.

Read more: Choosing the right ATS system for your business | Useful tips

SHiring – An Applicant Tracking System solution for recruitment success

Applicant tracking software is essential for recruitment success, regardless of company size. Understanding the difficult problems that businesses encounter in the recruitment process, SHiring ATS solution was born to solve all of those problems. 

SHiring’s features that help simplify the recruitment process, reduce costs and free up time, SHiring helps recruiters focus on important tasks such as establishing recruitment strategies and training. employees and build good relationships with candidates. Outstanding features that can be mentioned are:

Integrating effective candidate resume extraction technology

Automatically extract data from multiple candidate resume at the same time, with high speed and accuracy thanks to candidate resume Parser technology. Supports candidate resume extraction in many formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX.

Automatically screen candidate profiles

Employers can easily set up target candidate portrait criteria along with a description of job requirements. The system automatically scores, evaluates candidates and classifies them according to suitability for the position being recruited. This helps stop the situation of subjectively and emotionally evaluating candidates.

Centralized candidate resume management on an platform

With this feature, employers can quickly manage all candidate information. Instead of using a series of excel files for storage, now SHiring minimizes data loss or fragmentation.

All candidate resumes from various recruitment platforms will be centralized into one source, SHiring. After the system scans and extracts candidate information, resumes will automatically be categorized into the corresponding recruitment channels for the respective positions. Whenever needed, recruiters can quickly and easily search and query candidate information. Additionally, SHiring provides ample storage capacity for storing numerous candidate resumes.

Provide in-depth reporting and analysis of recruitment results

Instead of spending hours creating reports on recruitment effectiveness, with SHiring this process takes less than 30 seconds. The system provides available report templates with a variety of charts, so employers can evaluate and analyze recruitment campaigns in real time. From there, come up with more effective strategies.

Report templates include: recruitment efficiency report, summary of candidate resume sources and conversion rate of each source, recruitment cost statistics, TA performance… Besides, detailed statistics on the number of candidates corresponding to each recruitment round: Receive applications – Take test – Interview – Offer sent – Offer received – Successfully recruited.

Create job postings and career site for enterprise

Employers can easily create unlimited number of job postings with available job description templates or customize according to the recruitment needs of the business. This will help shorten the time for the recruitment process.

It only takes 30 minutes to build your professional company’s recruitment website based on many of SHiring’s available website templates.

A special feature is that the career site will be integrated with the company’s official domain. People can access from many different types of devices such as computers, laptops, phones, and tablets. For each position applied for, there will be an appropriate application form.

Explore SHiring’s ATS for yourself by requesting a demo or connecting with our team!